77/365: Pate

This woman whose laugh is timeless and melts away our many differences is a best friend. That her response to things beyond her control is to say, “I don’t know anything about it.” makes me love her endlessly. We share history, madness, sadness, and distance with skillful grace. She watches out for me. Forever.

1 Response to “77/365: Pate”

  1. 1 Brenda October 9, 2008 at 3:04 pm

    You are a real Dear! Very special friendship. I was thinking about you today and thinking about where/when we could meet again. By the way, I am on my way to Houston on Saturday for the weekend. We’re staying at the Post Oak Hilton and will be celebrating Marceda Keyse 100th birthday. She is a wonderful lady! I will write you soon.

    Much love always, Brenda

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